Whether it’s a furnace not turning on or running in short cycles, furnace problems always seem to strike at the worst times. 棋牌电子游戏平台’s has been handling furnace repairs in New Orleans since 1979, so we’ve seen it all. 

Common furnace repairs are part of every homeowner’s responsibility. Wear and tear gradually takes its toll on any appliance, and your furnace is no exception. Eventually, we all deal with common furnace problems! 

However, if your furnace has stopped working, you want to get it running properly again as soon as possible. Fortunately, there are some signs you can look for to diagnose furnace issues early, saving you from more extensive problems down the road. 

Common Furnace Repairs

Here are a few common furnace repairs that homeowners experience. We also provide advice on how to address them. 

1. Malfunctioning Thermostat

One of the most common furnace repairs is a faulty thermostat that stops working. The thermostat is set to monitor the temperature in a home, and it works with your furnace to keep your home comfortable.

If your furnace’s fan is constantly running, this is a sign that its thermostat isn’t working correctly. This situation causes your battery to run and leads to an inefficient furnace. 

Check for this issue by setting the fan on auto and seeing if it constantly runs on all temperature settings. If this is the case, an HVAC technician will determine if there’s a problem with the thermostat. 

2. Dirty and Clogged Air Filter

Air filter issues are also one of the most common furnace repairs. A dirty or clogged air filter reduces your furnace’s efficiency by decreasing air intake. This issue can also damage your limit switch. 

Check the instructions with the air filter for recommendations on how often you should replace it. Depending on the size and type of furnace you have, the recommended frequency for changing the filter will vary. A good rule of thumb is to replace the filter every 30-60 days.

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3. Pilot Light Issues

The pilot light is essential for the smooth operation of a gas furnace. Unfortunately, your pilot light may go out due to a damaged thermocouple. If you notice that it’s flickering or produces a yellow flame, these are signs of a bigger problem. 

When your pilot light goes out, it may be a minor repair you can make yourself as long as it’s not part of a more significant issue with the system. For example, a flickering light may result from a draft near your furnace, but a yellow flame can indicate the release of carbon monoxide. A yellow flame is a serious situation that requires the immediate attention of an HVAC technician.

4. Damaged Heat Exchanger

A heat exchanger transfers heat from one place to another and, most importantly, keeps your furnace running safely. If you don’t keep up with air filter replacement or overheat your home, it can result in a cracked heat exchanger. Unfortunately, this is one of the most expensive repair costs you can experience with your furnace.

When this occurs, your heating system will stop working. The best step for solving this problem is to make a service call to an HVAC repair company. The HVAC technician will have to replace the heat exchanger.

5. Frayed or Malfunctioning Blower Belt

Your furnace may have a blower motor that is belt driven and keeps the furnace’s fan operating smoothly. When one of the belts begins to fray or malfunction, you’ll notice a high-pitched squealing sound coming from your furnace while it’s running.

Replacing a furnace blower belt will require a service call to a professional HVAC technician. However, a new belt will ensure that the fan in your furnace performs effectively. 

6. Tripped Circuit Breaker

A furnace may trip the circuit breaker due to a temporary power surge. Resetting the system may fix this issue, but continual tripping is a reason for concern.

A tripped circuit breaker is one of the most common furnace repairs for electric furnaces. An HVAC professional can help you determine if an electrical repair is necessary.

7. Faulty Starting Mechanism

Whether you have an electric, oil, or natural gas furnace, know that each type has its own starting mechanism. The instrument is usually a pilot light in older gas and oil furnaces, while newer furnaces usually have electrical ignitions.

No matter which type of furnace you have, the pilot light or ignition can fail and need repair or replacement. This situation is often the diagnosis of a furnace not turning on after summer. If your furnace isn’t turning on, contact an HVAC service company to find out what this particular furnace repair cost will be. 

棋牌电子游戏平台’s Has Certified HVAC Technicians for Your Common Furnace Repairs

Whether your furnace is not turning on or needs one of the previously mentioned common furnace repairs, 棋牌电子游戏平台’s has certified technicians ready to help. Our team has extensive experience with every type of furnace and repair situation. Getting your furnace repaired is essential to staying comfortable during cooler winter nights.

We’re also your heat pump replacement enterprise in southeast Louisiana if you have a heat pump that breaks down. Contact us today to learn more about our wide range of heating and cooling services.